Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why Weightloss Sucks

Some people have told me that I'm amazing for losing so much weight. Just to check in: I'm down in the 240's (and according to my scale at home I'm 238 lbs.). But it's not all chocolate shakes and fake chicken soup.

I decided to get some therapy at the same time. See, I have had a feeling that there was a missing piece to this puzzle of this "Jeremiah = Fatty McFatterton" sit-com. And there is.

Just like any good sit-com, movie, series or book: It's all about how dysfunctional you are.

So, my therapist advised me to read Pia Melody's Facing Codependence. Frighteningly, it's really on the money for me. I won't go into it but it's been enlightening and scary all at the same time. Like Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures I'm facing my ghosts and demons head on and it's really a daunting task. Seeing things in front of you rather than from the corner of your eye makes it easier to deal with but there are moments I wish I still felt "crazy" rather than admit I have these issues.

However, I want to be a healthy weight. I want to look good in a speedo. I want to be proud of my body and even though I've lost 73 lbs. I'm still not proud of my body. The accomplishment? Totally. What I still look like? Oh, hellz no, bitchez!

The next issue is how tired and dizzy I feel sometimes. I need to address this with my group facilitator and find a solution. If I'm going to do the Disney World Half-Marathon in January I'll need to train. And I think I'm getting to the point where the training is more than my calorie-depleted fast will allow. Maybe I can switch to the other program. Ooooh! I just got so excited! The possibility of solid food is really exhilarating.

Thundercats! Hooooooooooo!!!!!