Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and I hope I make it!

Post non-apocalypse update here.

So, like I guessed, no crazy apocalypse on December 21st. I read a fantastic book by John Major Jenkins. Now, he takes a few liberties but he also explains himself clearly. The gist is: Mayans liked to count time. They also liked things such as Solstices and Equinoxes and alignments of many sorts. A visual (not actual) alignment of Earth, the Sun and the center of our galaxy (not the actual center or black hole but the central bulge that is kinda where it is) happens on December 21, 2012.

The End. The other clowns who say the Dresden Codex shows a flood at the end but I take that as a representation of Aquarius and we are moving from one age (currently Pisces) to the next. Aquarius is the Water Bearer and the codex talks about a Rain God... Kinda links up there if you think about it.

Any hoo... I'm nearing the end of my unemployment benefit from the state and I hope to hear about Federal. If it pans out, and I hope it does, I might be able to get enough to take me to the start of school in February and then I'm pretty much set from there.

More news later. Just glad to have it all over with where the end of the world is concerned.