Saturday, June 8, 2013

Life Changing Events

I've been working pretty hard at completing my Medical Assisting certificate and I can finally say that my classroom hours and course work are complete. (Insert big smiley face here).

I start my Clinical Externship on Monday but first I get to take a special field-trip. I've been offered a tour of the Orthopedic Department at the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego. It's just a few blocks from my apartment and I'll be meeting with the head of the department. Now, that's exciting.

Something even more exciting are my dreams and goals. I think, overall, they have been the same for a very long time but recently have taken on a different shape. I keep thinking about Doctors Without Borders. I would love to have a chance to see the world and help others at the same time. Of course, I completely understand that there will not be pastoral picnics and movies under the stars but it would be a wonderful way to help those in need.

My only concern is age. I have a tight window to follow my dreams. Most Physician's Assistant programs require 4,000 hours of clinical experience and I have 5-6 prerequisites to complete.

I'm planning to buy a home and I really want to adopt. That's the 5 Year Plan as of now. Kind of distracted this morning but I think it's all going to work out. Have to grab the bull by the horns (or nuts, whichever gets a better result, right?) and push on. Maybe I should become one of those "driven" people... let the games begin!!

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