Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gaining What I've Lost

So, I've bounced back a bit.

I lost 108 lbs but I've gained 30 back. It's disappointing but I guess it's not all bad. I've found out a few things:

I'm allergic to dairy. There. I've said it. And it's not like: "I'm allergic so I puke," allergic. It's far more sinister. I get nausea, sure, but then the gas begins. It's not that it's just uncomfortable. It's not just that I fart a lot. It's that the gas smells like a double-dealing, back-stabbing, syphilitic whore-rodent died and is rotting in my bowels. The oozing corpse is infesting my intestines and burns on the way out. Wait, let me try and paint a clearer picture for you...

So, there's that. And, I'm not sure if I'll have a job at the end of next week. Fun, huh? I might have a job but still be on the chopping block. I also might have a job and not be on the chopping block. But I just might have to start filing for unemployment and at least I'll have a small break, right?

But, I am happy. I really am. Not everything is sunshine and roses. I remember saying one day, "It takes a lot of rain to make you appreciate the sunshine. And it takes a ton of horse-shit to make a beautiful rose garden."

Maybe I'll become a hippie and get high all day and join a womyn's drum circle. I'll braid hemp bracelets and sell incense in OB. See? I have options!

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