Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fun and Stuff

It's been fun these last few weeks.

I've processed a lot, but I have also started to feel like I am engaged in life. For a while I was just letting the days go by, kind of numb, but now I feel like having fun and stuff...

I went to December Nights last night with my friend Jano. It's a great event and I wish I could do a second night but funds are low right now not to mention the fact that I have to work in the morning. But I am totally up for it next year!

I ran into a friend, Justin, as I was heading into the Spirits Garden (like a beer garden but with liquor and beer... sweet...) and we caught up for a bit. I miss hanging with him. It's been a long time and I guess I just never took it upon myself to make a friendship happen. Well, I think I can prove I can change, so I'll start making that happen more often.

So, things are better and I'm really excited about it.

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