Thursday, December 1, 2011

'Cuz It's Almost Christmas

Happy World AIDS Day?

Is that appropriate? Well, here's my check-in as I do laundry and watch Tabitha's Salon Takeover.

The last time I checked in I was in my 240's. I've now hit 230 lbs and am in the 220's. But, so much has happened since we last spoke.

Some douche-bag tailgated me and got crazy passive aggressive. So, I pulled over to let him/her pass. They pulled up behind me and started honking and flashing their brights at me (it was night time). So they finally got their head out of their ass and went to go around me and decided to slam into my back end. Then had the nerve to try and speed away.

Well, dear reader, I chased their ass until I could read their license plate and called 911. The car had insurance but the driver was excluded. So, my insurance has to pay for my car. I had whiplash but I'm totally fine now.

I'm still working on running and getting my saggy ass (and it's kinda saggy since I've lost all the fat in it) ready for the Disney World Half- Marathon. One funny thing: Everyone tells me something different about prepping for my first Half-Marathon.

One thing I hear is: "You should be able to run 8 miles easily." OK, well, that's not possible by January 7th. The other thing I hear is: "If you can run 4 miles you can do 3-4 times that no problem." I highly doubt that but it's encouraging. Here's that I think: I can run it but it's gonna be hard and kinda sucky no matter what. Why? It will be the first time I have tried to run 13.1 miles and there's no way to know what that will be like until I do it. But I'm really ready to do it! (Mentally. Physically is a whole other subject but I'm excited to try).

So, I'm still running, I'm going to get my car fixed and I'm in a really good space.

Smiley Face!

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