Thursday, May 27, 2010

What I couldn't post on Facebook...

Sun tanning? CHECK! Narrations? CHECK! Errands run? CHECK!

Now to make my bed and sleep. Weird to be up at 2am. This used to be my final hour of sleep before destroying myself slinging coffee all day and scrubbing sinks and drains... and dipping my hands in cleaning solutions that gave me eczema... and smiling at people I don't like and saying things like, "Have a great day!" when I really want to say, "That nonfat milk in your 8 pump white mocha with extra whipped cream is a lie. You're lying to yourself you fool! Please enjoy your diabetes... and that second chin you're about to develop."

Now I get to talk about why people need more insurance... mainly because I don't want to sue them when I'm made paraplegic after they hit me because they ran a red light and exhaust the 15K cap on their auto policy...

I need to go to sleep... It's like my typing has turned into diarrhea of the hands... Finger... hands... ugh.


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