Thursday, January 17, 2013


So, I've devised an alter-ego to say the wise things most of my friends would simply mock me for. It's not that I fear their jest or the laughs it's because I've changed and it's been so profound and so deep it might be a shock to their system.
And mine...
So, I came up with Maxwell Klinton. And here's a few of his wise sayings:

"Sometimes stillness is the answer.
It is like a field of leaves. A leaf can catch the wind and soar to heights unknowable or a leaf can be gathered by the rake and become part of a great heap to be lit with the fire of the universe.  In either case, it is the field of stillness, the soft grass of waiting, which makes the difference. Otherwise the leaf would be forever falling to greater depths never to be more than a falling leaf."
-  Maxwell Klinton

"The numbering of days is a human concoction. We use it to describe the passing of time. The more insidious role it plays is when we use it as an excuse to deceive ourselves into believing we are too late."
-Maxwell Klinton

"You can't legislate something away. It just doesn't work.
Look at Blacks, Mexicans, women and homosexuals.
It doesn't work on people and it won't work on guns, either.
The root cause of curbing violence and social dissonance is teaching people- and I mean ALL people- to resolve differences in an adult manner.
And, we should start with our foreign policy as it pertains to third world countries."
- Maxwell Klinton

Max is a smart guy, huh? I like how he goes for the jugular, too. "Oh, how smart! How Zen! How... WHAT?" 

I like Maxwell and I'm gonna whore him out all over the place.

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